3 ways to care for your lips in hot weather

3 ways to care for your lips in hot weather
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Summer has finally arrived and with it high temperatures and days full of sunshine. More exposure to the sun’s rays, however, means that we need to be more careful about the safety of our skin and hair. It is especially important to protect delicate and sensitive areas, such as the skin that covers our lips. In summer, the skin on the lips is prone to dryness and unsightly peeling. So it is worth taking care of special moisturization and proper protection of our lips. Check what ways can help to ensure that the daily care also provides care for the beautiful appearance of the lips

Lips are particularly exposed to external factors, this applies especially to the weather. In winter, when temperatures are low, lips can be cracked and dry, but also in the summer we need to take care of their proper care. We should remember about it when going on vacation, but also every day, when we leave the house on a hot and sunny day. Lip care is extremely simple and brings great results if used regularly. Learn how to keep your lips beautifully moisturized and healthy looking no matter what the weather is like

3 ways to keep your lips looking healthy

Use a lip balm with SPF

The skin that covers your lips needs proper protection from the sun just as much as the area that covers your nose or cheeks. For this purpose, it is worth buying and always carrying a lip balm with a high enough SPF

Using lip scrubs

Lips just like the rest of the face need proper cleansing, for this purpose, remember to remove makeup from this area every day. Sweat, bacteria and cosmetics residue are not conducive to beautiful lips. Once a week you should wash your lips with a gentle scrub, which you can do yourself.

Avoid lip licking

Licking your lips is supposed to make your lips look less dry and chapped but the effect is very short-lived. Licking your lips repeatedly can only make matters worse. The best way is to use a moisturizing lipstick whenever you feel that your lips are starting to feel dry

Read also Jamsu, the Korean way to matte skin and long-lasting makeup

Main photo: Africa Studio/ stock.adobe.com

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